Suicide is a very real and seriously tragic part of many people’s lives. It is something to survive… and look back on. It is something that families, schools, and all communities need to be aware of and address as completely and with as much tact and taste as possible.
We dare to take a different look at suicide… making light of a difficult thing that has touched us personally, our families and communities… having survived that difficult thing… and having a sense of humor about that difficult thing after the fact… for those who are struggling with and who have survived that difficult thing.
Suicide is not funny… but the slang of suicide often is encouraging. To have the courage to face seemingly overwhelmingly impossible odds to achieve a desired goal… that is what we are about… that is our definition of suicidal.
We know that our sweatshirts may spark contempt in some. That is ok. We are not about giving up or in… not to anything… especially not to feelings of depression. Our philosophy is simple. We believe in going out on a limb… so to speak, by wearing enough drawstring to love ourselves with… so to speak.
Who says we can’t wear our troubled personalities on our sleeves? Yes we can, and we will. We are about embracing the challenge of adversity… overcoming all adversity… even the epitome of adversity… in style! donates 50% of all its profit to anti-bullying and suicide prevention non-profit organizations.